Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ophelia.....step away from the water!

For my final Theater project I decided to draw a scene from one of my favorite plays. I chose the play Hamlet by Shakespeare. And chose the scene of where Ophelia supposedly drowns herself. I had to talk for about 2 minutes on the whole thing and I got an A on the project and am very proud of it.

Second Semester Smash

back to school. back to school. show my parents that i'm not a fool. i got my fridge stocked up, my chucks tied tight, i will choose the right. ohhhh, back to school. back to school. back to school.

well, here goes nothing ;)

Start off the semester silly
Mhy apartment 202
Me and Melissa's room.....it's usually cleaner than this but for the first days we're super busy

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dinner Fiasco

During dinner the other night, Miles was talking about how a "bee" had hit his forehead. Staci and I for Primary that day had brought in plastic toy bugs to teach the kids the importance of bugs to the world. Staci grabbed the bee from the bag of TOYS and placed it RIGHT IN FRONT of him.
He instantly stopped talking and his eyes began to widen in fear. Shaking all over, Miles let a terrible scream escapes his lips and quickly ran over to the safety of Dadda's arms. No matter what Staci and I said to make him believe that it was a plastic toy, he did not believe us. We even gave it to Lucy and had her bite on it to prove it was fake!! Still he didn't believe. After more shaking and some more screeches, Rob took the bee and threw it against the wall, "killing" the enemy. YAAY was Miles' response and the battle was over.
Silly Miles :P

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Man Heck Yeah!!

It Finally Came!
I haven't bought it yet. BUT Rob has and I love it. Foo Fighters has always been on of my favorites and I'm psyched that they have a new cd out. Their songs are going to be in my head forever!!!! I'm humming Rope right now!! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

10 Things I Love ♥

1. My Family

2. My Friends

3. Singing...whether in tune or not.

4. Music and Dancing

5. Cornfield Backyard in Pennsylvania

6. Puppies and Kittens

7. Texting....all the time
8. Ever After Movie

9. BWWs'

10. Fresh Clean Laundry

Friday, April 1, 2011

3 Years Ago I Became An Aunt....

Happy 3rd Birthday to my little,
sweet nephew Miles!
You've brought so much joy into this family since the first moment you were born. I love all your little faces you do, when you copy almost EVERYTHING we say, and especially when you tell me you love me and give me one of your sweet kisses. Your nickname of Smile truly is meant for you. I love you little squirt and can't wait to see you soon :)

Bandit of 202

Welllll obviously we have a Bandit in Rexburg, Idaho! He's climbing in our windows, he's snatching the pre-mis' up, leaving peaches at you door. So hide your books, hide your RM's, and hide your mangos cause they snatchin everyone out here!!
hahaha alright so for real there is no bandit in Rexburg. BUT a man did come to our apartment last night at around 1:45 AM. When Katherine looked through the peep hole she saw a young man with a bandanna covering the bottom half of his face....so we definitely did not answer the door. A while after he left my roommates and i opened the door, while holding a bat, and there was a can of Mandarin Oranges with a message on top saying "You're a Peach" and a phone number that wasn't real, we checked.lol. It was a very funny experience after the guy had left.haha. So yes that was our prank for today. AGH! I hate this "holiday".