During dinner the other night, Miles was talking about how a "bee" had hit his forehead. Staci and I for Primary that day had brought in plastic toy bugs to teach the kids the importance of bugs to the world. Staci grabbed the bee from the bag of TOYS and placed it RIGHT IN FRONT of him.
He instantly stopped talking and his eyes began to widen in fear. Shaking all over, Miles let a terrible scream escapes his lips and quickly ran over to the safety of Dadda's arms. No matter what Staci and I said to make him believe that it was a plastic toy, he did not believe us. We even gave it to Lucy and had her bite on it to prove it was fake!! Still he didn't believe. After more shaking and some more screeches, Rob took the bee and threw it against the wall, "killing" the enemy. YAAY was Miles' response and the battle was over.
Silly Miles :P
get dat bee?
haha love it!
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