Thursday, June 28, 2012

Literary Project-Poem

Waves Crashing in a Stream

The waves crash against her heavy body
no, not waves, this is just a stream.
Yet still they crash, over, and over,
why won't they stop?
Does no one else see that I am drowning?
Perhaps they are in the same stream,
waves crashing against them.
We will struggle, there is no denial,
the how is what will save us.

In this small stream there are waves,
waves that can take us off course,
take us under the water where we lose our way completely.
Did she allow it to happen, was there a struggle?
He had lied about his feelings,
telling her there was nothing in him for her.
Crash goes another wave.
Her father had been killed in cold blood,
by the hand of the man who didn't love her.
Another wave crashes into her heavy body.
Soothing, will be the current,
and so she will allow the waves to carry her off,
in this little stream where there are no waves.


Staci said...

"Just around the river bend...Should I choose the smoothest coarse steady as the beating drum?..." Deep Katy love it

Barbara said...

Wow!! I am so excited that you are back writing!!! Keep it up! You have talent.