Most of us have experienced these moments in our lives; the oreos on our car, balloons covering the bed, and many other so called original, and creative ideas for asking a person out on a date. Now, a lot of these activities are really cute, and almost romantic. But when it's the first date.....? Come on people, let's all be mature adults and go up to a stranger and ask them to their face. That's all I'm asking! Wouldn't you be a little freaked out if a kind of stranger came and asked you out on a date with a bunch of roses and a card with a poem with them? Usually these poems can lead a person to a secret location where they will find out who the date is with or something else. What if you're going to your death because you're thinking it might be that cute guy from your science class?? But you are so wrong....Now, as I said before, these kind of special treats can be well, special!
But ya'll need to know the limits:
Asking by freezing cotton balls on car.... |
1. actually know the person.
2. know that they're into that kind of stuff.
3. be somewhat original, don't take ideas from a movie (trust me, the girl will know!).
4. don't invade the person's privacy in any way whatsoever! you will come off as a creep and remain thus, always being an inside joke with her girlfriends.
Now, if you are blessed to have the person accept your offer of a date, Congratulations! You have just finished the first step of a hard process. Now it's time for the most difficult part of all, the actual date! Hopefully you didn't spend a lot of money on the asking part, cause you just laid a big impression on the person, they'll be expecting the best on the actual date! Cheap or not though, you have got to make a good impression dude. Look at what you've done already, you put tortillas on the woman's car! (true story). Now I'm warning you, I don't want to see any brownies night with a cute Disney movie to top it off. That's more for a fourth date, or something, when you're actually comfortable with each other. For goodness sakes be creative brethren!
How excited do they look huh?? |
I recently went on a first date with a young man that I have known for a while now, 5 years in Mormon time. We went latin dancing! Of all things for a first date, latin dancing, now don't get me wrong, it was a great time! It was something that took us both our of our comfort zones. It was a good place for us to be able to talk while at the same time having fun. Also everyone was on the same level, so comfort zone was broken, but we weren't surrounded by pros making us look like Napoleon Dynamite when he was first learning his sweet moves. After the dancing we went for a walk through the park close by. This gave us an even better chance to talk with each other. This is what I'm talking about people! I don't want to see the brownies, going to devotional (mini Mormon conferences), the all time cliche of a movie, and dinner, or anything even close to that. Be creative! This is your first impression of the person, unless you have a dynamite personality, you might need a boost in the activities department.
My Final Thought |
These are a few of the many cliches of dating in the Mormon culture, some people are really into this kind of stuff. But when wanting something to be real, and last for a long time, you need to act real with the person, and do things that will allow you to see the side of that person that will be a part of your life for quite some time. Now, not every date has to be serious, have some fun, but don't waste the person's time either. One great way to see a side of someone is to make a dinner with them, in this you'll be able to see their cooking skills, and if the two of you work well as a team. This will also give you a chance to talk about each other and hopefully easy topics are brought up in your conversations. Dating at this time of our lives should be a time of learning of others but most importantly yourself. I have learned I don't want to date hicks or gawky geeks. Who knew?? Along with those realizations however, I know that in a husband for me there should be a sense of security, kindness, dorkiness, sense of humor, passion for all music, a strong testimony of the Church, strong love for his family, easy to talk to, and many other things! However if I had not gone on those dates that were memorable and the ones that even now put goosebumps on my arms from thinking of them, I would not know the things I know now. To go along with my cliche theme, "You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince!" So let's be serious about this guys, have some fun, but for goodness' sake, put the brownies away!
Mannn I'm so glad I got to skip the cheezey date asking and date nights. Infact Rob and I's first date was going to a hot tub at a hotel and then walking around holding hands. He didn't take me out to dinner till we had already kissed and told each other how much we liked each other. The best ones are always so simple's not what you do it's who you are with that makes it count.
oh and FYI there is nothing wrong with dating a GEEK..those are always the best ones!
haha You're right Staci, there is nothing wrong with geeks, I'm talking about the ones that are extremely skinny and just ain't got nothing on them bones. haha When they make me feel big.
I never got asked out like that! That's too over the top!
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