Monday, June 6, 2011

What Can That Be?!

I don't know if you can really see the blue marks on my legs.
Can anyone guess what they're from?!


Staci said...

If those are bruises I'm worried and you are totally laking some sort of nutrient. But I'm gonna go with you were wearing some sorta of blue pants and they got wet and dyed your skin?!

Matt said...

I think Staci wins the prize. For awhile my garment bottoms used to be stained blue because my jeans would "sweat" in the summer. Took me forever to figure it out!

barbmartin said...

New blue jeans!! There's no doubt!

Katy M said...

yes yes you are ALL right!! my new jeans were dyeing my legs blue. even after i washed them a few times. it was frustrating but still amusing. thanks for playing ;)

Katy M said...
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